This clicker was designed to place very little side pressure on the arrow at full draw while maintaining the audible click sound and feel of a standard clicker. To accomplish this, it uses a dual magnet system. As the arm is raised away from the bow and the arrow is placed under the wire, the magnets are moved away from each other and very little pressure is placed against the arrow. This is especially important with today’s light carbon arrow shafts. As the arrow slides from under the clicker wire, the magnetic draw pulls the magnets back together and a “smack” is heard and felt by the archer. The Extended Clicker incorporates a third magnet that serves to catch the clicker arm and prevent it from bouncing back during the shot sequence.
The Cavalier Extended Clicker is designed to be attached to the sight bar and extended beyond the front of the bow handle. This clicker was originally designed for indoor shooters using large diameter extra long arrows. It is also used for young archers who tend to grow out of their arrows. This allows the instructor to cut the arrows extra long and simply move the clicker as the child grows.
Each clicker is supplied with three different jam blocks to accommodate different size sight bars. The medium jam block fits the Sure-Loc sight bar.