Riser with ILF limb fitting system. The riser is produced with a laminated wood, where the different colors of the layers and the texture of the wood melt in an arabesque which is unique on each single piece. You will not find two risers with the exact same pattern and this gives the riser an interesting and always new look. The riser allows for tiller and the limbs alignment adjustment. The riser doesn't have a threaded bushing for the stabilizer or quiver / sight.
GUIDELINE RISER COMBINED WITH OLYMPIC RECURVE LIMBS: on olympic recurve limbs poundage is always measured on the base of a 25" riser. If you use this limbs on our risers, which are shorter, consider that you will get round about 1 pound draw weight increase for every inch of length difference. Example: a Cross Carbon limb of 30 pounds on a 19" Latitude riser develops about 36 pounds. Also consider that the poundage is always measured at 28" draw length and that every inch you increase on the draw length will result in about 2 pounds of draw weight increase. All this instructions are to be considered as GUIDE LINES as the different form and construction of a limb can give higher ore lesser results, nonetheless it is a good base to start with.