The Skorpion XBC 390 crossbow sports all the latest technological discoveries available to date to offer power and precision. This model has a full aluminum structure, in order to be very lightweight but still with the same strength of other, heavier, metal alloys. The stock is made of innovative technopolymers that make it incredibly lightweight.
The fully adjustable in lnegth stock has an adjustable cheek pad to reach an optimal shooting position. Equipped with Anti-Dry Fire system: it guarantees maximum safety and does not allow the trigger to disengage until the arrow is correctly inserted in the appropriate space. Equipped with the most modern string stopper, accessory that guarantees immediate stop of the string to have more precision to the target, clearly silence the noise derived from the tension of the shot and reduce the flicker.
The crossbow is equipped with patented adjustable front handle to ensure the top of the grip and have a better shooting feeling. Adjustable stock set on a AR15 base.
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Recommendations for use:
When loading the bolts, make sure you have the field free of people and animals in front of you. After armed the bow never trust the shutter device or safe, always keep pointing the crossbow down because in case of unexpected shooting can not damage people, animals or things. Handle the crossbow in an open area away from residential areas and after use put it in a safe place away from children.
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